5 Years of God’s Faithfulness


I feel so emotional writing this. One because I wish I was HOME at Obed’s right now, but also because I just feel so incredibly blessed by God’s faithfulness in my life. That phrase I feel to be my life’s theme when I look back over the 5 years I’ve had at Obed’s.


On one hand it seems like I just started Obed’s yesterday! How have 5 years passed by so quickly?! It’s been so fun, full of growth, love, victories and new beginnings!


On the other hand it seems like it’s been 20 years! So many trials, tribulations, heartbreaks, paperwork, long nights, arguments and pain. But one thing I know is that God has been faithful through it all!! He was faithful when at 22 years old I decided to take the leap of faith and speak Obed’s in to existence. He was faithful when we opened the doors July 1, 2015. He was faithful when my first son decided to leave. He was faithful when people I considered to be like family deceived me. He was faithful when hard things happened and he is STILL faithful as I sit here 8,000 miles away, 5 years later longing to go HOME 💖


Together with my staff, I’ve had the opportunity to care and love on over 31 children! Some are still with us today, some have been reunited with their families, others chose the harder path and still try to work out their hurts alone. But one thing for sure is that God is faithful in their lives! I’m still in contact with almost all of them, as they still consider me an Atè or mommy figure, and for that I am blessed. I’ve learned that you can’t force or push your children to be a certain way. You just have to meet them where they are, love them HARD, be patient, share Christ’s love, and set a good example. God does everything else. I’m sure I’ve failed more times than I’ve been victorious, but I’ve never once gone through it alone. God has been FAITHFUL and I know he will continue to be!


Thank you to each one of you who have decided to come along on this journey with us over the past 5 years! For our prayer warriors and our financial partners, you all have been our Champions and backbone of our ministry! We’re so grateful and couldn’t do it without you!


Please help us celebrate our 5th Anniversary with a message below for the kids and staff and a prayer to help us thank God for his FAITHFULNESS! 💖


Psalm 91:4- “He will cover you with his feathers, and under his wings you will find refuge; his faithfulness will be your shield and rampart.”


